.Все .Биология.Информатика.Видео-ответы.Физика.Французский язык.Русский язык.Қазақ тiлi.История.Окружающий мир.География.Обществознание.Алгебра.Психология.МХК.Другие предметы.Английский язык.Українська література.Право.ОБЖ.Немецкий язык.Українська мова.Беларуская мова.Музыка.Химия.Экономика.Геометрия.Литература
16.04.2020 12:36 •  Английский язык

B: Which picture do you think these people might be talking about?Give reasons for your answers.
1)'It would be great for a holiday, maybe a week or two. But I wouldn't want to stay any longer. I think I'd just get bored!
2) 'It would be the perfect place to write my autobiography!
3) I'd love to live somewhere like this while I'm young. Imagine the fun you
could have. But I'm not sure I'd want to bring up children there!
4) It's just one of those places you have to visit before you die.'
5) 'I wouldn't want to go there even on holiday. Just think of all the insects!
C:Work in small groups.
1 Say what you think about each of the places in the photos.
2 Agree on a list of five places you have to see before you die.​

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