.Все .Биология.Информатика.Видео-ответы.Физика.Французский язык.Русский язык.Қазақ тiлi.История.Окружающий мир.География.Обществознание.Алгебра.Психология.МХК.Другие предметы.Английский язык.Українська література.Право.ОБЖ.Немецкий язык.Українська мова.Беларуская мова.Музыка.Химия.Экономика.Геометрия.Литература

The a. kasteyev state museum of artsthe state arts museum named after a. kasteyev includes over 20 thousand exhibits in its collection (painting, graphics, sculpture, theatre, and decorative art).it is a member of icom, the  international confederation of museums.there are fourteen permanent,
temporary and traveling exhibitions.the museum's acquisitions began in 1935-36, when the  russian museum  and the  a. s. pushkin museum of fine arts  donated 200 works by russian and western masters. the museum's collection traces the art history of the east and west from ancient
to present times.  составить 2 вопроса​

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