.Все .Биология.Информатика.Видео-ответы.Физика.Французский язык.Русский язык.Қазақ тiлi.История.Окружающий мир.География.Обществознание.Алгебра.Психология.МХК.Другие предметы.Английский язык.Українська література.Право.ОБЖ.Немецкий язык.Українська мова.Беларуская мова.Музыка.Химия.Экономика.Геометрия.Литература
31.07.2019 05:10 •  Английский язык

Complete the sentences with the correct comparative or superlative forms of the words in brackets. 1. this is the (interesting) programme i've ever seen! switch it on! 2. hamilton is the (fast) driver in the world today. 3. can you speak (slowly) please? i can't follow you. 4. i work (hard) now than i used to. 5. miss barber is the (good) teacher in school. 6. this exercise is (difficult) than i thought it would be. i can do it! 7.i gave him the sweets because he asked the _ (politely) of all the children. 8. she's (happy) doing this job than she was before. now she's always smiling. 9. they have the (pretty) garden in th{") neighbourhood. it won a prize last year. 10. penny was the (successful) of all the students in that class. she didn't work very hard at all.

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