.Все .Биология.Информатика.Видео-ответы.Физика.Французский язык.Русский язык.Қазақ тiлi.История.Окружающий мир.География.Обществознание.Алгебра.Психология.МХК.Другие предметы.Английский язык.Українська література.Право.ОБЖ.Немецкий язык.Українська мова.Беларуская мова.Музыка.Химия.Экономика.Геометрия.Литература
04.07.2019 22:40 •  Английский язык

Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужной форме (present simple или present continuous) 1) he (to work) very hard at the moment and (to deserve) to succeed. 2) my parents live in bristol. they were born there and have never lived anywhere else. 3) i (to write) to inform you about a change in a scheduling of courses for the autumn. 4) she (to prefer) tea, because it (not taste) so bitter. 5) she (to stay) with her sister at the moment until she finds somewhere to live. 6) you (to have) any idea where rick (to be)? i (not to see) him at work now. — he (to visit) his friends in spain. 7) hurry up! we (not to have) much time left. — i (to come)! 8) she (to try) to lose weight, i (to think). she always (to have) light lunches. 9) my little brother (not to play) the piano very well. that (to be) why he (to practise) the piano again. 10) dad still ( to paint) the fence?

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